Own an RV?
Earn over $50,000 per year

List for free and rent whenever you want, with full renter verification and vehicle insurance options.

Benefits of renting your RV on Rent N Go

Rent your RV today and earn up to $50,000 per year!

  • Be in control
    Set your rates and control your RV rental schedule
  • Earn money
    Earn extra cash to help pay off your rig or fund your next adventure
  • Get paid quickly
    Money hits your bank account within 24 - 48 hours of trip departure
  • Verified renters
    Our comprehensive driver verification ensures your rig is in good hands

How it works

Create your listing

Add photos, a description, and location of your RV.

Accept new bookings

Visit your dashboard and manage of all of your booking requests.

Handoff your key

Meet the renter, give them the rundown on your RV, and some tips for traveling.

Earn cash

Expect money in your bank account within 24 hours of a returned rental.

It's FREE to list on Rent N Go. A small transaction fee is taken from each successful booking.

Yes. You will always have the final say in who gets to rent your RV.

Payments are deposited directly into your bank 24 - 48 hours after your RV has departed.

Check out our FAQ or give us a call at 1-773-332-3632.